Category - Funded Projects

2011 Funded Project: Bright Summer Ideas

This grant helped sponsor this first annual innovative program that reached out to culturally and linguistically diverse families in the Northborough community. Over eighty English Language Learners in grades K-8, and their families attended this program at Algonquin Regional High School to promote child literacy skills and teach methods to prevent language and academic regression[…]

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2011 Funded Project: The 2010-2011 Northborough Southborough Children’s Book Award

The Northborough Free Library received a grant that funded the 2010-2011 Northborough Southborough Children’s Book Award (NSCBA) program. Public and school librarians from both Northborough and Southborough chose 20 different books appropriate for children in grades 3-5. Multiple copies of these books were purchased and made available from February to May at both the schools[…]

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2011 Funded Project: Keyboards in the Elementary Music Classroom

A K-5 music educator in the Northborough Elementary Schools, received a grant to purchase eight electronic keyboards to enhance students’ music experience at school. The keyboards will not only be used as a focus of designated keyboard units but as a vehicle to reinforce musical skills throughout the school year. Grant amount: $855.91

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2011 Funded Project: Whisper Phone Pilot

Whisper phones are handmade, hand held devices that are used to improve oral reading and comprehension skills. Students read quietly into the whisper phones and can listen to themselves which transforms reading practices into a multisensory learning experience. Funds to purchase materials needed to construct one hundred and twenty-five phones were granted to staff at[…]

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2011 Funded Project: Wii Can Move

C.A.S.T.L.E. program staff received this grant to purchase a Wii and accessories, as well as a wide screen television to help increase physical activity and social communication for children with disabilities and their peer mentors. This project incorporates new technology, physical activity, and peer modeling. Grant amount: $794.92

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2011 Funded Project: Engagement in Literacy Learning

This grant was awarded to teachers at the Zeh School that went towards materials needed to facilitate the skills promoted in the Daily 5, a program designed to foster literacy independence in the elementary grades. Multi-level materials (e.g. manipulatives, reading/writing materials, CDs), were purchased to enhance reading instruction for classes of diverse learners. Grant amount:[…]

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2011 Funded Project: Flip Out Over Shared Reading

Reading Specialists at the Proctor School purchased ten flip video cameras and tripods in order for students to be able to video tape themselves reading aloud. Students and their peers are able to study the videos to see where improvements in their reading can be made. These cameras provide a novel and engaging instructional approach[…]

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2011 Funded Project: SPARK Igniting Our Children’s Future

A physical education teacher at the Lincoln Street School received a grant to purchase twenty-four yoga mats. The yoga mats are used while introducing Yoga For Kids to students in grades K-5. Yoga has been shown to develop better body awareness, self control, flexibility and coordination as well as teach strategies to help relieve stress.[…]

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