2012 Funded Project: i-Touch to Learn—Adding iPod Touches to the Classroom

Granted: Funding for the purchase of 5 i-pod touches to be used by the Zeh School’s third grade classrooms.

Summary Description: The third grade team will be utilizing the iPod Touches during the Daily Five reading and writing blocks. For the reading, the teachers will be using these devices to improve students’ fluency by letting them record and listen back to their own reading of passages. Students will be able to listen for pronunciation, expression, prosody and accuracy. This will provide students an opportunity to take ownership over their learning and receive immediate feedback. In writing class, students spend a great deal of time working on original pieces of writing and the writing process. The i-Pod Touch will allow students to work more independently. They will record themselves as they read their writing pieces and then play the recordings back while they listen for ways to make improvements.

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